Bike Drills
Grade: Sixth
When: All Year Long – 35-to-45-minute sessions
This is the second of two classes that best prepare sixth-graders for riding independently on roads and pathways. These two-part classes expand on prior elementary school lessons with an emphasis on traffic laws and riding confidently.
Held outdoors on the school’s blacktop, students practice bike handling skills and rules of the road by rotating through multiple obstacle courses and “safety ville,” which is designed to look like a mock street. Stopping, scanning, hand-signaling, right of way, yielding, and merging with traffic are taught.
Students are requested to bring their own bike and helmet to class and are trained how to check them for proper fit and usage. A small number of bikes and helmets are available for students unable to bring their own.
Drive That Bike is a prerequisite for this class.
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