text-Bike Hero Award

Bike Hero Award

When:  Spring

A Bike Hero is a great “roll” model! Each Spring, parents, administrators, teachers, and friends are invited to nominate a student Bike Hero.

A Bike Hero is any student who gets up early to ride regularly, inspires others to bike, eagerly rides as a passenger on a cargo bike, obeys all rules of the road, and has FUN biking.

Nominate your 2025 Bike Hero: HERE. 

Safe Routes to Schools – Bike Heroes of 2024

Marin Safe Routes to Schools is proud to announce the winners of the 2024 BIKE HERO awards. There were 164 nominations and 26 schools represented in our BIKE HERO 2024 contest! Teachers, parents, neighbors, and fellow students sent in testimonials of students leading their peers, climbing big hills, battling the weather – all while obeying the rules of the road on bike. Two students were selected from elementary and two students from middle for the 2024 award. Congratulations to them and to all the students who were nominated!

Here is what friends and family had to say about our BIKE HEROES for 2024:

Katarina Moller, Venetia Valley, 4th grade:

Katarina deserves to be a Bike Hero because of her incredible determination getting to school. She rides to school every day in all weather. Through her daily commute, biking to school helps build a healthy lifestyle for herself and influences others amongst her. She cares about the environment and hopes everyone will learn to bike everywhere they want to go! Katarina is a great role model for others who push themselves to be at their best!.

David Eddings, Pleasant Valley, 4th grade:

David is always ready to ride. He gets up early and completes morning ceremonies: breakfast, shower, brushing and flossing, a little gel in his hair-do and then its helmets on and ready to pick-up his bike buddies en route to school. This year started with just a single friend at his side and now they have a whole group of as many as eight riders all rolling down Vineyard making the trip to school pedal-powered and starting their day the right way!

Frankie Foster, Mill Valley Middle, 7th grade:

Frankie rides his bike 1.6 miles to school every day. He has a 10 pound backpack. To return home, he must ride up a very steep hill that is hard to walk up. He never complains and looks forward to spending time on his bike. His parents don’t have to spend their time and money taking him to school. Frankie Foster is as comfortable on his mountain bike as he is on his own two feet!

Sophie Poindexter, Kent Middle, 8th grade:

Since 5th grade, Sophie has biked to school every day without a single complaint. Despite having to conquer the challenging Wolfe Grade hill to Wolfe Canyon daily, she has never requested an electric bike. Her unwavering commitment to biking over the past four years is what makes her our hero.

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