text-Bike Hero Award

Buddy Up Contest

The Buddy Up annual contest promotes groups of students to walk, bike, carpool, or take the bus together.  Healthy habits are more likely to stick when students and their families support each other. There’s safety in numbers as groups are more easily seen by drivers.  Best of all, friendships and fun memories are formed!

School communities are invited to nominate Buddy Up groups each fall.  Notifications are sent to schools to advertise the Buddy Up Contest in Mid-September.   


The 2024 Winners!

BACICH ELEMENTARY: Danny Budzik 2nd grade, Ben Budzik 4th grade, Marco Mysyk 2nd grade, Jacob Weitzberg 2nd grade 

These four boys have a blast biking in together! They have discovered new pathways, learned important safety practices from each other, and most of all, enjoyed the camaraderie. They love getting exercise before school and saying “hi” to the crossing guards every morning.

NEIL CUMMINS ELEMENTARY: Harper Fleck, Luke Williams, Cami Warga (all Kindergartners)

Harper, Luke, and Cami are Kindergartners at Neil Cummins. These kiddos love biking to school which is impressive for their short, little legs because they live 2.5 miles from school. They carpool together to school when they are not lucky enough to bike to school laughing and telling jokes the whole way. When not biking, you can find them in the cul-de-sac on their scooters or playing at each other’s houses.

KENT MIDDLE: Oak Kahn 5th grade, Miles West 6th grade 

Every day Oak is always outside on his bike riding around waiting for me and calling my name. I think it’s pretty funny because he rides around for like 10 minutes even though there might be 15 minutes until we have to go. He’s really loyal because even if I’m late he will still wait for me even if it’s like 8:20 or 8:30. It’s really nice to have a Bike Buddy. 

WHITE HILL MIDDLE:  Elle, Kai, GG, Emma, Juliet, Ruby (all 6th graders)

These buddies live just a few hundred feet from one another and have enjoyed biking to and from school. When they can’t bike, they walk or get rides together! They’ve dreamed about doing this together since elementary school and it’s a huge highlight of being in middle school together. It’s so special!

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