ENCOURAGEMENTBuddy Up Contest The Buddy Up annual contest promotes groups of students to walk, bike, carpool, or take the bus together. Healthy habits are more likely to stick when students and their families support each other. There’s safety in numbers as groups...
High School
Bridge the Bay
ENCOURAGEMENTBridge the Bay High School Bike Ride & Community Event April 23, 2022, 1o a.m. –3 p.m. Bridge The Bay is a day-long event which includes a bike ride across the Richmond Bridge, returning to Pickleweed Park in the Canal for an Earth Day celebration. A...
Teen Toolkit
ENCOURAGEMENTFilter Programs, Events & Classes Middle and High School students play an important role in promoting “active and shared (carpool/transit)” travel at their schools by. Supported by Safe...
Bike Field Trip
EDUCATION CLASSESBike Field Trip Grades: Middle and High SchoolWhen: Time Varies Safe Routes to Schools instructors can lead school organized field trips by bicycle or host an afterschool bike field trip for middle and high...
Bike Mobile
ENCOURAGEMENTBike Mobile When: All Year long Many students are prevented from riding to school because their bikes need some maintenance or fixing. The Bike Mobile is a van with mechanics that comes to your school. The mechanics will demonstrate how to make...
Transit Race
PROGRAMS & EVENTSTransit Race When: Fall/Spring The popular Transit Race builds independence and confidence for riding public transit throughout Marin and the Bay Area. High school students learn how to get youth Clipper cards, use Google Maps for transit, and...
Bike Blender
ENCOURAGEMENTBike Blender When: All Year Long Students can get a unique experience blending their own smoothies using pedal power! The bicycle blender teaches good nutrition and exercise by allowing students to eat the fruits of their labor. Reserve it for your...
Chalk-n-Walk | Poster Art
PROGRAMS & EVENTS Chalk N Walk / Poster Art When: All year long Chalk N Walk Chalk N Walk turns public sidewalks into a fun-filled, colorful adventure on routes to school. Kids who hop, skip, and smile will get their wiggles out before sitting in a...
Bike Hero Award
ENCOURAGEMENTBike Hero Award When: Spring A Bike Hero is a great “roll” model! Each Spring, parents, administrators, teachers, and friends are invited to nominate a student Bike Hero. A Bike Hero is any student who gets up early to ride regularly, inspires others to...
Bike to School Day
ENCOURAGEMENTBike to School Day May 8th Modeled after the successful Walk & Roll to School Day, students celebrate Bike to School Day on the first Wednesday in May by riding their bikes to school. May is also National Bike Month, so this day is part of the bigger...
ENCOURAGEMENTiWalk When: October 12, 2022 International Walk & Roll to School Day (iWalk) is a global event that involves communities from more than 40 countries walking and rolling to school on the same day. It began in 1997 as a one-day event and, over time,...
Volunteer Toolkits
PROGRAMS & EVENTSParent, teacher, and student volunteers are key to having a successful encouragement program at your school. Volunteers host morning welcome tables to cheerily greet the walkers, rollers, carpoolers, and bus riders by handing out incentives on...
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