Spring into action with these fun-filled events to build healthy habits for life.
Live too far? Park and Walk partway to school to win prizes. Every bit helps remove traffic congestion and make streets safer.
Walk and Roll Wednesdays

What it is: The Adventure Challenge encourages elementary children to make green travel a weekly habit. Participating children pick up their Adventure Card from volunteers at the welcome table on April 16. For the next two event days, April 23 and 30, children who walk, roll, carpool or ride the bus will receive stickers at the welcome table to add to their card. On the last day, May 7, students return their completed card to the parent volunteer at the welcome table for a chance to win a raffle prize.
Download/Descargue el folleto aquí.
National Bike to School Day – May 7
Bike Hero Award 2025
A Bike Hero is a GREAT “ROLL” MODEL!
Each Spring, parents, administrators, teachers and friends are invited to nominate a student Bike Hero. A Bike Hero is any student who gets up early to ride regularly, inspires others to bike, and obeys all rules of the road. Two Marin County elementary and middle school students are selected to win a $50.00 gift card to a store of choice.
Nominate your 2025 Bike Hero: HERE.

Be E-Bike Safe
Safety is our first priority for students.Know the laws and recommendations
before putting kids on e-wheels: HERE
Guidelines to stay safe while riding
e-bikes and what to know when buying
one for your child.
Download this important information from Transportation Authority of Marin.
What Parents Should Know